


We realise that your time is very important, so please feel free to ring and check if your doctor has been delayed before you come into the surgery. Please Note: All patients require separate appointments. Only one patient can be seen per appointment.


All requests for the completion of paperwork will require an appointment with the doctor.


Please advise us as soon as possible if you cannot keep your appointment.  It is our practice policy that at least 4 hours’ notice is provided if you are unable to complete your appointment. A fee of 50% of the consultation cost may be charged to your account.

Appointment Times

Our standard appointments are 10 minutes long. If more time is required feel free to book a longer appointment.

The practice sets aside a number of appointments each day urgent problems. Online appointments are available from midnight with additional telephone appointments opening at 8am.

If you are unable to secure an appointment for your usual doctor, you may request to be added to their cancellation list.

Duty Doctor Appointment

Wakefield Gardens Surgery and The Surgery in Manuka Terrace does not offer ” walk in appointments”. We do offer Duty Doctor appointments. These may not be with your usual doctor but with the doctor best running to time.

Telephone and Telehealth Appointments

Telephone and Telehealth (Video) consultations will continue to be offered and are our preferred way of seeing patients with respiratory symptoms.

Please note, patients must have been seen face to face at least once in the previous 12 months in the surgery in order to claim a Medicare rebate for this service. This rule excludes patients with confirmed COVID- 19.

Thursday evenings and Saturday clinics

We now offer an extended service on Thursday evenings until 7pm and Saturday mornings 8.20am to 12pm depending on clinician availability. These appointments open 1-2 weeks in advance with some appointments opening on the day.  To see if these sessions are going to be held, please check by calling reception or booking online.