Shingles Vaccine:
A new recombinant vaccine is now available under the National Immunisation Program (NIP) for all persons >65 yo, all First Nations People over 50 yo and select immunocompromised perople over 18 years old. We are also able to offer private vaccination for anyone outside of these target groups. Please contact the surgery to book an appointment with our nurses or be added to our waiting list.
We have detected confirmed cases of:
COVID-19 – “8th wave”
Metapneumovirus (flu-like illness)
Parainfluenzae (flu-like illness)
Rhinovirus/Enterovirus (common cold/gastroenteritis)
Norwalk Virus (gastroenteritis)
In response to the continuing circulation of Covid-19 and other respiratory viruses, our surgery has continued a triage process in place at the surgery.
We have reviewed our policy and ask that masks continue to be worn by patients and visitors whilst in the surgery. These, as well as hand sanitiser, is available at reception and in the waiting room. You and your clinician can choose to remove masks if mutually agreed once in the consulting space.
It is our preference that you have a RAT test prior to your consultation when presenting with respiratory symptoms. Regardless of results, please advise us of your arrival and wait outside the surgery. Telephone and Telehealth appointments will continue to be offered at the surgery.
Please note that the surgery is providing Pfizer Bivalent vaccines for those 18 and over as well as the influenza vaccine for persons over 6 months old.